Waitaki Boys’ is a safe, secure, supportive community in which boys can flourish and fulfil their potential.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)

What is Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)?

PB4L is a framework led by the Ministry of Education that aims to provide a positive school climate and to create a supportive environment for personal, social and academic growth for students and staff.  In other words, the school-wide plan is essentially an instrument to enable the goals of the school to be achieved, especially the goals of student achievement.  It supports school communities (leaders, teachers, students and whanau) as they work towards the New Zealand Curriculum vision to develop students who are confident, connected, and actively involved, and who will go on to be life-long learners.

PB4L at Waitaki Boys' High School

The PB4L programme at Waitaki Boys’ is over seen by our He Ara Tika Committee.  ‘He Ara Tika’ translates to the ‘the right path’ and this is what we see the embodiment of PB4L to be, setting students on the right path for success both at school and in the community.  The He Ara Tika Committee are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of PB4L practices within the school.  Some examples of PB4L in action at Waitaki Boys’:

  • Acknowledging Expected Behaviours:
    • He Ara Tika reward system: students who are exhibiting one or more of the school values can be awarded a He Ara Tika award card.  These are handed in to the Dean’s Suite and then go in the draw to win Subway vouchers.  If a student gains 20 He Ara Tika Awards they are eligible for their Bronze badge, 40 awards results in a Silver badge and 60 a Gold badge.
    • Endorsement Posters: around the school we display posters of students who are excelling in their chosen fields, with specific emphasis on academic achievement.
  • Teaching Expected Behaviours: 
    • This is a big part of PB4L and is about teaching students the behaviours we expect here at Waitaki Boys’.  The expected behaviours are displayed around the school in the form of our School Expectations Posters.  Teaching these behaviours is done in a number of ways including through Restorative Practice, activities during House Group time, and during Wellness and Rectors Assemblies.