Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Waitaki Boys' High School school term dates?

Waitaki Boys' terms dates are determined by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. Please click here for our 2025 Term dates.

How old do I need to be to study at Waitaki Boys'?

We teach boys aged 13 to 18 and accept international students at all years. If you have any queries about making an application please contact our international student adminstrator Sue Robb 

How many students are there at Waitaki Boys'?

Our current school roll is 420.

When can I commence studies at Waitaki Boys'?

You can begin your studies at the beginning of any term, although we prefer you to join us at the beginning of the school year as it makes it easier for you to settle in.




What other activities does the school offer?

The school offers a wide range of activities outside of the usual academic curriculum, and we encourage all our students to take part. 

What subjects will I study?

To see the full range of subjects available at Waitaki Boys', please refer to our Academic Page.

Where do your international students come from?

We have a long list of current and past pupils from countries including:

  • Japan
  • Thailand
  • Samoa
  • Tonga

They have all improved their English, achieved qualifications, broadened their life experiences and made lifelong friends whilst studying at Waitaki Boys' High School.

"We have a wonderful team of staff in the international & hostel department who are dedicated to the care and support of every international student"